Friday, February 27, 2015

A day in the life

Roger had a rough go of it the night before last, with a little fever (teething at last?) and then a grumpy morning with mommy's attention shared with the other baby and the toddler. All he wanted to do was be held with his blanket, snuggled against my shoulder. On top of that, my van got a flat tire on the way back from dropping off the big boys at school. Thank the Lord, we made it back safe because it happened really close to the house where I work and I just drove on the flat the rest of the way back. So we had the van towed to the tire shop for two new tires that were due anyway. While I was on the phone getting that arranged, my favorite toddler was throwing a tantrum because I unzipped his coat without his authorization. When I re-zipped it so he could do it himself, he threw a double tantrum. You just can't win with two-year-olds.

I'm really extra thankful there was hot coffee greeting me when I got to work because I don't want to think about the headache I would have had without caffeine. 

So that was the morning. The afternoon was filled with lots of Biscuit cuddles (because the one benefit of Roger feeling cruddy is he becomes the cuddliest little Biscuit known to man.) There were also a few more toddler tantrums and a toddler poop incident I'd rather forget. But as usual, baby girl was easy peasy and just smiled at me all day. She helps me cope when everything else is chaos.

Also, Squigz. Have you heard of those? They're fantastic little suction cup toys that were great for keeping my grumpy Roger distracted when I couldn't be holding him. We should get him some for at home.

The above was composed yesterday- I took notes throughout the day in hopes of blogging an evening post, but as usual, I fell asleep before I got to it. Literally, on the floor of my living room, while watching a movie with Dave. But he did make me chocolate chip pancakes so I suppose the full tummy aided in my sudden onset narcolepsy.

In other news, Roger is juuust shy of 9 months old! Somebody stop the madness. Some current trends in Biscuitville:

• Stairs. Let's climb them all! And stop and turn around a lot on the way up so I can smile at mom and see if she thinks I'm cool.

• Bounce-dancing. Because why just stand there holding onto a chair when I can bob up and down?

• 13 (broken) hours of sleep, starting at 6pm sharp. But put me to bed any time after 7 and I will refuse to sleep a wink until 11pm.

• All foods are good and I want more even if I initially make a face. Examples: lentils, plain yogurt, broccoli, onions, garlic, anchovies, Bleu cheese, tart apples, venison, lasagna, mushrooms, kids' potty seats, loose whole coffee beans found on the floor, other peoples faces.
Coffee bean extraction. He was sad I took it away.

• Standing unassisted. But only if I have something really interesting in my hands and I forget I let go of the support.

• Daddy is really interesting, and even a bit comforting if mom's not nearby. But mostly I just scowl at him and wait for him to tickle me. And he can hold me as long as he wants if I'm already asleep.

Ok I better post this thing before my opportunity is gone and I'm once again asleep somewhere after the chaos of anther day as nannymommy.

Monday, February 23, 2015

things of late

So it's been a month and a half and I am just now updating this little blog here. Sigh. I make no apologies, just hope I do better moving forward.

Let's play a game I'll call, "make your blog post a fun quiz so it feels more like time wasting on the internet and less like work" (an idea 100% stolen from one of my favorite bloggers.)

So lately I have been...

Cooking: Soups! 'Tis the season for another month or so, right? And it has been freakishly cold, so soup is extra warranted. Homemade broth, for homemade chicken noodle (on which I dump sriracha), and exotic fakes (fah-kiss), a Greek lentil soup which my toddler at work spit right out of his mouth when I gave him a bite, but I assure you is delicious.
Playing: a card game called Hand and Foot, and a new one I just learned called Nertz (Nerts?) that's basically Dutch Blitz with regular cards. Also much Crazy 8s with my nanny boys.
Watching: The Office, always. And Hulu's free offerings of News Radio, Chopped, and anything with Anthony Bourdain (Because we cancelled Netflix, and are consequently less screen-enslaved.)
Reading: The Book of Hebrews, Walking on Water by Madeleine L' Engle, and as many online articles as I can find about Astrophysics. Yes, astrophysics. (I was homeschooled, and occasionally it shows.)
Writing: Something. Just something. It may not see the light of day. Or maybe it will. We will see. 
Making: I wish I was a DIYer. I really do. Instead I make cake and chocolate peanut butter frosting in the middle of the week. 
Thrifting: jeans, baby clothes, scarves, cute sweaters. I've had great thrift luck lately and it satisfies so many unhealthy shopping urges with so little effect on my budget or my conscience. Thrift = LOVE
Planning: a someday trip to Thomas Keller's Michelin 3-star restaurant, Per Se, in NYC. Dreamy.
And a real trip to MN to spend a weekend away from my boys to be with my BFF and go shopping and eat donuts and stay up late laughing like we're 19 year olds.
Enjoying: Roger's laugh (it's a lot like mine which is kinda funny) and the way he babbles and smacks his lips. 
Listening: Spotify's "Cleaning The House" playlist... and skipping every Good Charlotte/pop-punk from the 2000s that randomly shows up on that otherwise great mix. 
Drinking: lots of coffee. Because Roger thinks waking up 3-20 times per night is just awesome.
Wishing: I had a DSLR. Seriously. So much that I see I want to photograph in a way that does justice to what my magnificent eye-lenses capture for my optic nerves. I have my iPhone and a basic digital camera, but they just can't translate very well from my eyes to JPEG.
Feeling: blessed to be a mother (#nannymommy) // hopeful for Spring // proud of my hardworking husband //excited to be writing again 

Wanting: a maid. So my apartment will stay clean for more than one evening on the weekend.
Needing: more sleep. Or just more coffee.